651 461 581 joan@aravadebo.es

Ita€™ll be hard to make the 07 my personal last Seiko

Ita€™ll become difficult to make 07 my latest Seiko. It may sway also closely on 09 (Ia€™d sooner merely experience the second hand changed for a red one than in addition nab the 9). But about six Seiko 5s through the amazing WatchUSeek bond have really made it to my personal wishlist or bookmarks. Just like the stylish SNKK27K1, which seems specially great on tan leather. And/or SNZJ63. Or super readability, the SNK381 seems challenging beat.

When it comes to a competent and inexpensive automated this indicates challenging defeat the Seiko 5 series in general.

Trouble with CSS viewport models for width?

Posted: Fri, 10 Will 2013 09:07:00 -0400

Getting some unexpected attitude when making use of viewport units ( vw , vh , vmin , and vmax ) to proportions width in Webkit browsers:

Whenever characteristics has a fixed distance set in a viewport product, their particular moms and dads not any longer have all of them correctly in Webkit browsers.

Opened this amazing in Chrome (tried variation 26 steady, and 29 Canary) or Safari 6, and compare with Firefox (experimented with in version 20):

Herea€™s a screenshot of just what that looks like in Chrome 26:

Herea€™s the same in Firefox 20:

Just what Ia€™d expect will be the Firefox instance, in which the dark-green mother or father factor correctly stretches to suit the distance of its contents (in this instance, the kid items with solved viewport-unit widths).

Exactly what do you might think? A proper bug? Truly, one is actually completely wrong, and Ia€™m pretty sure ita€™s Webkit, since the conduct together with other kinds of products ( px , em , rem , etc.) is similar to the Firefox screenshot. Ia€™ll must give it a look in IE10, which supporting viewport products too, according to Is It Possible To utilize.

Moreover, it looks like therea€™s weirdness within the level, considering the lime green box during the Firefox screenshot is really much taller. Probably a change with what each web browser try considering the viewport. Ia€™ll study that further.


Submitted: Thu, 09 Might 2013 11:59:00 -0400

Been getting the itch because the start of 12 months to make some variations to my year old website style. And so I labored on they on-and-off for all time, and established it last week. And some small clean-up, Ia€™ve altered some fonts and colours. Ia€™d hardly want to refer to it as a a€?redesigna€? whatsoever, but there are lots of enjoyable details i do want to note.

Colour comprise the largest deal in my situation. I found myself therefore completed with the white over deep navy, therefore the radioactive environmentally friendly a€” they began to grate on me. And so I tried a natural and calming palette. We nonetheless liked the letterpress sense, and so I chosen a cream colors that could be like papers. Causing all of the sort presently has a subtle bevel.

Another evident changes are fonts https://datingmentor.org/kink-dating/. Choosing latest sort probably got more times. I did sona€™t replace the logotype, because I still like Audimat inside block cut-sort of impact. But, used to dona€™t like Audimat for any headers when I had been utilizing it earlier. Therefore I replaced these with the fairly well-known Kaffeesatz, by Yanone a€” an eminently clear sans-serif typeface with a whimsical style of handwritten feelings. We selected it mostly because, away from are beautifully managed by Yanone, ita€™s fairly condensed, and I love their relatively huge x-height. Ia€™ve got a thing for big x-heights.

X-height and whimsy additionally directed us to my selection of body font: a serif face by Oriol Esparraguera called Afta Serif. I happened to be drawn to their artistic flow; ita€™s fairly light in weight, and also the shape tend to be slightly squarish, which with the large x-height emphasizes the whitespace and improves (in my opinion) readability. In addition like the lowercase a€?ka€? letterform.

Eventually, I tweaked the homepage design to-be solitary line, as I sensed the existing two columns had been also claustrophobic therefore felt great to simplify.

I nevertheless ought to do up the darn tags web page, which Ia€™d never moved first off since moving to Jekyll. Furthermore, after spending a whole post preaching about any of it, I want to carry out a styleguide with this webpages.

But, this redesign-ish jobs keeps obtained my juices moving. Possibly Ia€™ll really starting posting more regularly!

April Have Some Good Dev Community Content

Published: Wed, 01 Will 2013 13:00:00 -0400

Dona€™t know very well what it’s about April, but there have been some great articles and presentations about development teams society that basically hit a chord in myself. Here are some faves; take a peek when you havena€™t already.

Manifesto for Minimalist Software designers we seen this a€?minifestoa€? by ny program developer, Pablo Guevara, with regards to had gotten Twitter hype sometime during the early half April, and now have already been psychologically repeating components of it within my head as a mantra since that time. a€?First take action, after that still do it, then do it much better.a€? a€?Fail quickly, find out quickly.a€? a€?Techincal ability will be the mastery of complexity, while creativeness will be the master of simpleness.a€? Bacon is Bad For your it is a presentation done by the amazing Austin-based frontend developer, Garann methods, for BACON seminar whereby she voices the woman concerns about developer monoculture, and how it could deter everyone. Truly struck home for me personally as somebody whoa€™s believed alienated on some dev teams, and whoa€™s most likely completed his share of alienating on others. The slides communicate terrifically on their own in the event that you cana€™t spare the full half hour for video clip. Especially love the review between your a€?standarda€? working pro, versus the specialist creator. Cultural Confusion that is a post by Jason Stirman (average, Twitter) for average (a new-ish and delightful kind-of-collaborative sort-of-bloga€¦Ita€™s tricky to spell it out) which he basically nails it with regards to whata€™s important in forming a healthy and balanced lifestyle: the folks! You’ll find several big factors he meets on: having a diversity of advice, humility, ensuring you truly get along with the prospects youa€™re thinking about. Ita€™s easy to ignore how important characteristics occurs when gazing all the way down a list of amazing work background and successes on someonea€™s resumA©. Love his a€?airport testa€? idea. And this:

a€?The harm a poor heritage match can result in is actuallyna€™t really worth the efficiency they may be able give.a€?

Ia€™ve come mastering lately the types of issues that topic for me in a-work environment, and I realize I can distill they as a result of this: dona€™t employ or even be a jerk. End up being simple. Solicit suggestions. Believe other people, and come together.

Just like any community of men and women, ita€™s frustrating occasionally to keep in mind which youa€™re all on the same employees. Are individual is very important, but be careful to avoid selfishness. Ita€™s crazy how frequently I have to tell me of that.

NY Boston

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